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图片[1]_No Man’s Sky 无人深空|官方中文|V4.40-奇点远征-重大更新-遗忘星域+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网
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2016 年 8 月 13 日

It’s unbelievable to me that it has been SEVEN years since No Man’s Sky was released, and to celebrate today we are releasing our largest update of the year – No Man’s Sky ECHOES. Full patch notes can be found here.

Our aim with ECHOES has been to breathe new life into the universe, with a new robotic race, our first race introduced since launch in 2016.

图片[2]_No Man’s Sky 无人深空|官方中文|V4.40-奇点远征-重大更新-遗忘星域+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网

We have also overhauled space combat with a focus on creating truly epic space battles, introducing freighter to freighter battles for the first time.

图片[3]_No Man’s Sky 无人深空|官方中文|V4.40-奇点远征-重大更新-遗忘星域+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网

In ECHOES Travellers will discover a never seen before, long-hidden race of robots with rich new story content. Engage in robot assignments and rituals to earn a huge array of mechanical parts to create your own robotic avatar.

图片[4]_No Man’s Sky 无人深空|官方中文|V4.40-奇点远征-重大更新-遗忘星域+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网

New Pirate freighters bring huge space battles to the universe. Defend fleets from pirates. Fly through enemy trenches to sabotage their shields, and destroy them!

图片[5]_No Man’s Sky 无人深空|官方中文|V4.40-奇点远征-重大更新-遗忘星域+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网

Players can search out and assemble their own sci-fi ceremonial staff. Level this up with unique new technology to mine and battle your way through the universe.

图片[6]_No Man’s Sky 无人深空|官方中文|V4.40-奇点远征-重大更新-遗忘星域+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网

Travellers can now search for, trade and scrap weapons, allowing players to become Multi-tool scrap merchants. Travellers can also choose from a wider array of weapons and tools, including the staff and also a new powerful Atlantid weapon.

图片[7]_No Man’s Sky 无人深空|官方中文|V4.40-奇点远征-重大更新-遗忘星域+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网

This year we introduced the ability to store a catalogue of player’s most wondrous discoveries. A new Holographic museum allows you to decorate and display your favourite weird and wonderful discoveries in your base for others to visit and see.

An exploration focused expedition – VOYAGERS – starts soon for explorers and adventurers to explore the universe and catalogue its marvels. Together with a Twitch drops campaign this brings a host of new content and rewards for players.

These are just a few of the things that players can look forward to when they dive into the Echoes update from today.

It has already been a pretty busy year for the small No Man’s Sky team with players enjoying the launch of the FRACTAL and INTERCEPTOR updates and the major SINGULARITY expedition. Fittingly ECHOES marks our anniversary by making our universe more exciting, dangerous and interesting to explore.

Our journey continues.


图片[1]_无人深空 No Man's Sky 支持原生4K|官方中文|V4.04+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网‘无人之地’从经典科幻小说中汲取灵感,囊括了大众喜爱的冒险和天马行空等元素。呈现给玩家一个充满独特行星和生命形式的星系。游戏中危机重重,无尽的探索等着你。
图片[2]_无人深空 No Man's Sky 支持原生4K|官方中文|V4.04+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网
在‘无人之地’中,每颗星星都散发着遥远太阳的光辉,每个太阳都有充满生命的行星绕其运转,你可以选择其中任何一个前往。从太空深处飞往行星地表,一路畅通无阻,毫无限制。在这个按程序生成的无限宇宙中,你会发现大家从未见过的领域和生物——而且再无机会遇见。图片[3]_无人深空 No Man's Sky 支持原生4K|官方中文|V4.04+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网 


在星系的中心,冥冥中有一个不可抗拒的吸引力,引领你去探索宇宙的真正奥义。但是,当面对攻击性的生物和凶猛的海盗,你将明白死亡亦有代价;而生死存亡的关键往往取决于你如何升级飞船、武器和装备。图片[4]_无人深空 No Man's Sky 支持原生4K|官方中文|V4.04+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网


还是会成为一名商人? 在这个被遗忘的世界里找到丰富的资源,利用它们获取高额利润。以此投资更多的货仓空间,你将获得巨额回报。图片[5]_无人深空 No Man's Sky 支持原生4K|官方中文|V4.04+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网

亦或者成为一个探险家?超越已知领域,去发掘那些从来无人见过的地方和事物。升级你的引擎,带你飞得更远;增强宇宙服性能,在有毒环境中得以生存,而大意者只能走向灭亡。图片[6]_无人深空 No Man's Sky 支持原生4K|官方中文|V4.04+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网


这个星系是一个有血有肉,生生不息的世界。贸易航队在星际间穿梭,各派争夺地盘,海盗乘火打劫,星际战警也一直虎视眈眈。其他玩家都生活在同一个星系中,你可以选择在已知太空的地图上与他们分享你的发现。这样你不仅能看到自己的内容,也许也能看到对方操作行动的结果……图片[7]_无人深空 No Man's Sky 支持原生4K|官方中文|V4.04+全DLC - 白嫖游戏网_白嫖游戏网



    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Windows 10/11 (64-bit versions)
    • 处理器: Intel Core i3
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB, AMD RX 470 4GB, Intel UHD graphics 630
    • 存储空间: 需要 15 GB 可用空间
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